Patient Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Occupational Health

Who is eligible?
Active duty military personnel and Federal civilian employees (appropriated / non-appropriated). Retirees and family members, as ordered by the primary care providers.
Who is responsible for scheduling Occupation Health (OH) Surveillance visits?
Military and civilian personnel in coordination with their supervisors are responsible for scheduling appointments in their birth month or sooner if needed.
What happens if any of my medical surveillance test results is abnormal?
Copies are provided for follow-up by the worker's personal physician.
What are the limits of care OH can provide to contractors?
Saving life limb and eyesight. OSHA law requires the "parent organization", which places contractors, to provide their OH needs, (e.g. respirator use clearance).  
What do I do if injured "on-the-job"?

For an emergency call 911 to come to the work site.

For non-emergency, the supervisor escorts the worker to OH. If less than urgent, call for an appointment. Bring Fort Detrick form 1326-R, "Report of Job Related Injury, Illness, Potential Hazard Exposure." Potential exposures to USAMRIID Mission agents are evaluated on Ward 200.

What if an injury occurs after normal clinic hours?
Care is obtained from your private personal physician or Emergency Department, except for USAMRIID Mission Agent exposures. Those employees must call 301-619-2257 to reach the Ward 200 "on call" medical Officer.
Is Occupational Health a program for civilian personnel only?
No. It is a program for all military and civilian personnel. Military readiness is a priority.
Can I be treated by the Occupational Health Clinic for personal medical problems?
Do I need to report my pregnancy to the OH Clinic?
We request that employees inform OH so that we can assess the work environment for any hazards.
What if I am not sure where to find a health promotion resource (such as smoking cessation)?
Call OH at 301-619-2043 and we will be pleased to assist you.
Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.